A Tribute to John R. Johnson, Riverdale’s 5th Head of School Dr. John R. Johnson, Riverdale’s fifth Head of School, passed away in California on November 14. During his ten years of...
Second Graders Uncover the Secrets of Systems “What is a system?” asks Lower School Science Coordinator Traci Pearl. In a second grade classroom, hands shoot up. “A...
Mind, Character, Community: Themes of a Riverdale Education At the heart of it, what does it mean to be a student at Riverdale Country School? What are the...
For Middle School and Upper School: How the Arts are Taught at Riverdale Creative excellence. Intentional collaboration. A fierce commitment to “real world” teaching methods. These are the hallmarks of an Arts education...
Interdisciplinary and Expressive: Lower School Arts are Integral to Student Learning The arts in Lower School – music, drama, art – are a means of creative expression for students and a...